Green Victoria Rhubarb - INDIVIDUAL CROWNS

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Big thick tender green upright growing stalks. This is the industry standard rhubarb. You will get the good old fashioned zingy flavor from this reliable hardy heavy producer. It will take at least 3 years to get good production and then you will enjoy years of rhubarb delights. Great for pies, wine, and jellies.

Hardiness Zone: 3 - 8 


ATTENTION: Cannot ship plants to the state of California. 

Rhubarb is a popular source for pies and sauces. The edible portion of the plant is the large tender leaf stalk harvested in late spring or early summer. The leaves contain a high amount of oxalic acid which will irritate the mouth and should not be eaten. 

Fruit Planting Distance (1) Planting Distance (1) Interval from Planting to Fruiting Full Production Life of Plants Height of Mature Plants Est. Annual Yield
  Between Rows (ft) Between Plants (ft)  Years Years Years Feet Per Plant
Rhubarb 3-5 2 1 2 20+ 3 10 lbs


(1) = Minimum suggested spacing

Rhubarb should be planted in EARLY SPRING while the soil is still cool. Fertile well drained soil with a low compost percentage is best suited for this garden crop.

Best soil for rhubarb is well-drained. Loamy soils are better for rhubarb growth than sandy soils. Rhubarb performs best in full sun. Avoid shady sites near trees or shrubs. 

Avoid areas that do not drain well or contain clay; which can cause crown rot. Rhubarb prefers cool, moist summers with daytime temperature that do not exceed 90 F, and winter temperature below 40 F. 


Rhubarb roots should be planted in early spring before soil heats. Set rows 5-6 feet apart and plant three feet apart within the row. Plant in shallow furrows so the crown will be 1/2" - 1" below the soil. It is better to plant too shallow than too deep.

You should see new green growth in about 2 weeks. After planting it will be best to wait two years before harvesting. Do not pick stalks during the first year of growth; as this allows the plant to strengthen. A light picking may be taken during the second year of growth; the third year, harvest for no more than 4 weeks and begin full harvest the following year for up to 10 weeks. Never harvest more than a trhid or half of the plant at one time. 

Rhubarb stalks are usually harvested when they are twelve inches or longer; don't cut them from the plant; rather twist the base of the stalks while giving a little upward pull. You may notice clusters of flower buds arising on hollow stalks, this is called "bolting" and takes much of the food reserves away from the plant, so it is best to remove the flower stalks as soon as they appear and discard you want your rubarb to produce roots and stms and not flowers. 

A light application of manure or mulch is beneficial in late fall or early winter but do not cover the crowns with a deep layer. 

Each season after harvesting is completed, side-dress with 1/3 pound of ammonium nitrate per 100 square feet (1 tsp per 3 square feet) of bed space encourage top growth.

It is important that the plant build up a good reserve of food during the growing season. This reserve food, which is stored in the root system, improves the quality and yield of next season's early spring crop. 

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